Saturday, June 13, 2009


So I had a HUGE fucking scare yesterday. I was up on the scale 3 lbs, bringing me to a whopping 113. FUCK. But then it was gone this morning, and I'm back up at it now, even though I ate NOTHING all day. I'm going to eat an apple and a Special K bar and then hit the elliptical again. I worked both today and yesterday, and then am home and listening to my family nosh away on summer party foods. Whatever.
I'm going out tonight! I can't wait to go dancing. Some more workout + fun times + good friends. I'm not going to drink very much, just vodka/water mix and a lime slice chaser. My friend Austin will be down, which is cool. He's kind of..odd, but he's nice and I hope with everyone around he'll have fun.
Lemon Cleanse starting tomorrow. I figured I was going to wait until next week, but these damn 3lbs need to go.

* 2 Tablespoons of organic lemon juice

* 2 Tablespoons of organic grade B maple syrup

* 1/10 Teaspoon ground cayenne pepper

* 10 oz of filtered water

Mix, serve chilled, get skinny.

Lots of luck, my darlings!


  1. haha i love your serving instructions

  2. I know what you mean-- good luck and "enjoy" your cleanse :)

    BTW, I thought the maple syrup was only to a) provide minerals (which can be done with a supplement) and b) provide calories for energy?

    In my experience, people in the ED community typically omit it, thanks to the high calorie content.
